Completed Builds
I always liked making things, so a while ago I decided to build a guitar as a fun project to make use of my CNC. Instead of just building one I kept going and now everything I build is either a guitar or a tool that helps me make better guitars. Here you can see the ever growing gallery of builds I have completed.

Alchemist #0020

Alchemist #0019

Alchemist #0018

Necromancer #0017

Alchemist #0016

Vanquisher #0015

Alchemist #0014 - Blue Reign
Alchemist #0013

Alchemist Bass #0012

Necromancer #0011

Alchemist #0010 - Luna

Alchemist #0009

Alchemist #0008

Necromancer #0007

Necromancer #0006

Alchemist #0005

Alchemist #0004 - Black Magic

Alchemist #0003 - Ice Kraken

Alchemist #0002 - Woodland Spirit


Alchemist #0001